The Basics of Schnapps
Schnapps is a type of spirit that has been popular in Europe for centuries. It’s distilled from fermented fruits, grains, or potatoes and usually served as a digestif (after dinner) liqueur. Traditionally it was made with grain mash like rye or barley, but nowadays you can find schnapps crafted from just about any kind of fruit — everything from apples to raspberries. Depending upon the ingredients used in its creation, schnappss can range greatly in flavor and strength; some are sweet while others are dry and crisp.
Exploring the Varieties of Schnapps
In Germany alone there are hundreds of varieties of schnapps: Korn being one example — this variety is made with wheat or rye grain mash; Kräuterlikör which is flavoured with herbs such as lavender or aniseed; and Obstler which is crafted using apple cider brandy as its base ingredient. There’s also Eierlikör (eggnog), Pfeffi (peppermint), Williamsbirnen/Williams Christ Birnenbrand (pear-flavoured brandy), Kirschwasser (cherry-based distillate) and many more!
How To Enjoy Schnapps
When it comes to drinking schnapps there’s no wrong way – though traditionally it’s enjoyed ice cold straight out the bottle! You could also mix up a delicious cocktail by adding juices, syrups, cream liqueurs etc., for something special try mixing your favorite beer with an apple liqueur for an invigorating shandy treat! Don’t forget that if you’re feeling brave enough you can even add a shot glass full into your mugful too…